
Saturday Nov 18, 2023
Saturday Nov 18, 2023
There’s a difference between a moment of fear and a spirit of fear. Tune in to find out how to combat and conquer the spirit of fear from having any victory in your life.

Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Forgiveness is not an option but it is a choice we have to make. What is forgiveness? How long does it take to forgive someone? When do we reach the age of not having to forgive? How many times do we forgive someone? How do we forgive those that are not sorry, that simply don’t care they’ve hurt us? Tune in to this podcast to hear more on all of these questions!

Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Forgiveness is vital. It is not an option but it is a choice. Jesus on the cross saying in Luke 23 verse 34 “Father forgiven them for they know not what they do” was an example for us all. They weren’t asking for forgiveness, they weren’t the least beat sorry, they weren’t even remorseful, they were right in the middle of their horrid actions and His final words are “Father Forgive them”! Choosing to forgive whether someone is asking or not, choosing to forgive whether someone realizes the depth of and the consequences of their actions or not. Choosing to forgive with no changed behavior and no “I’m sorry” is powerful for you! It’s what Jesus did, it’s what He desires of us. Tune in today for more depth on this!

Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
We see the finish line, we know what the goal is, we know what the purpose is, we are driven, BUT there are so many obstacles along the way! How do we quickly let go of those things that hinder us along the way to the destination God is leading us to?

Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
If we’re not going to believe the lies thrown at us from so many angles we must know the truth of God’s Word vs. our perceived truth then we can stand in faith, then we can not waiver, then we can walk the talk of faith, trust, love, peace and joy.

Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
We have to replace the lies we’ve believed with the Truth of God’s Word. The lies Satan has told us, the lies others have told us, the lies we’ve told ourselves and even the lies we’ve wanted to believe so we could do what we want to do. Tune in for more! #sweetlittlelies #liesofSatan #liesfromothers #liesfromourselves #lieswelike

Friday Jan 20, 2023
Friday Jan 20, 2023
If God requires just scales of us, He most certainly puts the same demand on Himself. I promise you He has seen what has seemingly gone unnoticed in regards to the false balances of what has been right and what has been wrong on your journey! The jealousy, the gossiping, the judgment, the financial losses, the opportunities stone, the overlooking, etc…All those false balances on the scales are about to be balanced out by the knowing, watching favor of God upon your life. He has seen your diligence to keep your heart pure and your hands clean in the midst of all the turmoil and hurt and He is showing up in 2023 on your behalf with weights in His hands to be put back on your side of the scale and balance things out as He originally intended them to be.

Friday Dec 09, 2022
Friday Dec 09, 2022
Accountability matters, biblical accountability not based on others opinions but based on the Word of God. We need to have people in our lives that will not just agree with us but call us out if necessary in love to lead us back to a place of intimacy with the Lord. Where there is no accountability sin is conceived, it grows and is birthed out leading us down a slippery slope where we find ourselves at a place we never thought we’d be all because instead of being transparently accountable we desired our ears to be tickled in agreement.

Friday Nov 18, 2022
Friday Nov 18, 2022
God needs voices to clear the pathways. He needs those that will speak on His behalf to the airways, making proclamations, speaking actions, decrees, declarations and even breaking up and shifting atmospheres. If we line ourselves up with God’s word, God’s plan, what God’s heart is and what he would desire us to speak out, then what we speak out will be established on earth as it is in Heaven. #bethevoice

Friday Nov 11, 2022
Friday Nov 11, 2022
What Is GOD Saying?
Wondering where God is right in the what seems to be unfulfilled prophecy? He wants to tell you. He’s knocking…will you open the door and supp with Him so
He can reveal His mysteries to you?
Tune in today on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/coffee-talk-with-linda-davis/id1242698485 or your favorite platform to hear more!